Soft Vxnxs & Breathe Goldendean at Museum Arnhem

The exhibition How Dare You Make Me Feel This Way focuses on trans and queer joy. It is not an accusation, but a vote of gratitude. How dare you make me feel this way? So fine and full of wonder, but also so searching and confused? Photographs by Leo Xander Foo and Risk Hazekamp, videos by local and international artists like Yinzk and Samantha Nye and an installation by Dean Hutton are used to show perspectives and experiences that people from the trans and queer community find important and are eager to share. It is about saying ‘no’ to restrictive frameworks and ‘yes’ to freedom of movement.

How Dare You Make Me Feel This Way is curated, conceived and researched by Alara, Jip, Larisa, Sarjon, Storm, Zacquel and Dexter. From early 2022, they met at the invitation of Museum Arnhem and under the guidance of Julius Thissen to discuss life, art, trans and queerness. These encounters were about pleasure, pain, wonder about themselves and the world, their centuries-old history, threatened and rich future, and the difference between identity and political resistance.  From December 2022 to May 2023